9ff Porsche 911 Turbo Cabrio
9ff Porsche 911 Turbo Cabrio 910HP
Specialistii de la 9ff au creat pentru 911 Turbo Cabrio un pachet de tuning ce creste puterea motorului la valoarea de 910HP. Mai multe informatii despre performante nu sunt inca disponibile, insa se asteapta ca viteza maxima ce poate fi atinsa sa fie de peste 400km/h.
Edit : Super Racing Sport Motor T-8
910 HP / 669 KW, 910 Nm
Consists of :
- 4 litre motor Tuning with:
- 6 forged titanium Connecting rods
- 6 bigger forged Pistons
- 6 Forged Cylinders
- New lighter Crankshaft
- 2 new complete cylinder heads
- 24 bigger Valves
- 48 stronger valve springs
- 4 9ff Camshafts
- Bigger Throttle
- 2 new 9ff Turbochargers F900
- Turbochargers Water cooled and Ball-Bearing
- 2 External Waste Gates TIAL
- Max. RPM 8.200
- 9ff Valve-Sport Exhaust with end pipes
- Exhaust manifolds
- 100cell Sport Metal Catalytic Converter
- Aluminium clutch kit
- One mass Sport flywheel
- Double Water injection System
- Air Filter + Air Hose + Air Box
- Bigger injectors
- 4 fuel pumps and Catchtank
- 9ff ECU Upgrade
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